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Support for ID3v1 and ID3v2 Tags

It is quite convenient to have information like title, artist, album's name, year etc. inside audio files. This information is called 'tags', and if files have it, they may be called 'tagged'. First tags were introduced for the well-known MP3 format, and there are two versions of MP3 tags: ID3v1 and ID3v2. AudioConverter Studio correctly reads and writes the both versions. If your audio files have some tags, the program will transfer them to the converted files and will save you the trouble of filling out the fields again. Moreover, tags can be used to rename and organize files while converting.

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Thank you! I am enjoying your product very much. It saves me so much time in my work where certain projects require large batch conversion of .WAV files to .WMA files. Previously my colleagues and I were doing this manually!

Luca Lepori


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